
7 Best Practices You Should Expect from an IT Partner

One of the most rapidly growing professional services of the last 10 years has been IT services. Considering that IT is very important in this day and age – and the fact that the popular impression of IT support has always been that it can unreliable at times – it is understandable that businesses nowadays are looking for a better class of support for their evermore crucial technology. When we spoke to some professional IT service providers recently, the overwhelming impression is that IT support and technical services are no longer the slow, jargon-heavy services that most people think of. One London-based company we spoke to – TechQuarters – discussed in some depth what the current expectations of a professional IT partner is.

What Can an IT Partner Do?

As has been well established in recent years, technology crucial to modern business, which means there are a lot of ways in which businesses require help with their technology. IT services can vary based on what the client wants or needs. For example, the managed IT services London-based companies have been receiving from TechQuarters for more than 12 years is designed to take the entire burden of IT management off the shoulders of businesses. However, sometimes businesses don’t need such an extensive set of services, and may just need a service like outsourced IT support, managed security services, or ad-hoc project services.

Best Practices of IT Partners

Given how popular professional IT services have become in the last decade or so, it makes sense that there are certain expectations that providers should aspire to. IT partners are providing a customer-based service just like any other professional service. When we asked TechQuarters, they described some of the best practices that a good IT partner will adhere to.

  • Flexible Two-Way Communications

It used to be that telephony and email were the fastest forms of business communication. Nowadays, however, there are many more channels of communication that a professional individual or organisation might use – instant messaging, chatbots, etc. It is important that an IT partner provides multiple channels of communication for their clients. Plus, communications should be one-way; a good IT partner will check in with clients and help maintain conversations.

  • Competitive Response Times

For services that involve customer support, time is always of the essence. This is particularly true with IT partners, who will usually be providing IT support remotely – making the customer wait will only exacerbate their frustrations. This is why an IT partner that works to uphold the best response times in the market is worth the time of the customer.

  • Personalised Services Plans

One of the things that is true of all professional services – and especially true with IT-related services – is that there is no such thing as a one-size solution. Every organisation will have slightly different wants and needs, different solutions and systems, etc. This means that a good IT partner should be able to offer a diverse set of plans that can be tailored to fit the needs of the client.

  • Effective Case Management

For IT services that revolve around support and customer services, the efficiency with which an IT partner manages cases is very important. The last thing a customer wants is to have to repeat themselves, or have to seek support for an issue more than once. Good case management will ensure that even if a case has to be passed over to someone else, the necessary information is included in the case.

  • Dedicated Account Management

A service that is paid for should remain a good fit. Unfortunately, oftentimes services stay the same but the needs of the party paying for it change. A good IT partner will manage their accounts to make sure that every client is receiving a tailored service that fits them.

  • Proactive Service Approach

When a business pays for a service, they should feel like they are getting the most out of it. In the case of IT services, this is usually guaranteed by providers committing to a proactive approach. Outsourcing IT services can be a great way to get the most out of your business, and with an Employer of Record Denmark you know that your provider is committed to taking a proactive approach. For example, TechQuarters provides IT support for estate agents and many other types of businesses; rather than waiting around for their clients to contact them, TechQuarters employ proactive strategies (such as account management, network monitoring, etc.) to make sure that their clients are getting the most from their service.

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